The Terror of The Sheep and The Goats
Truly it is misunderstanding The Word of God that keeps many people from desiring a relationship with their Creator, and the passage from Matthew 25:31:46 can be most confusing. This passage is used to support the need for an accumulation of good works to get into Heaven. It's has been preached and taught that way by the same people who teach and preach that we are saved by Grace through Faith so no man can boast. Unbelievers must scratch their heads and think, "How can both be true?" This picture painted by Jesus of Himself separating people into sheep and goats; goats being cast into hell and sheep being ushered into heaven, has been the source of much fear in believers and unbelievers alike, because we don't pay attention to who the sheep and goats are. The sheep and goats are 'the nations'. That is what Jesus calls them. Believers who have received salvation by Grace through Faith in Jesus' atoning death are not sheep or goats. The...