Sit And Spin
Did you know that God is joy? God is gladness? Joy and gladness as we know them are cheap imitations of joy that is the character and substance of God. Everything about Him is joyful. He is nothing but glad about you! He is nothing but joyous concerning you! His joy is safety for us. When we grasp that God's face is always going to light up when we walk into a room, we can feel nothing but safe and protected. Have you ever noticed how a young child reacts to a person who is joyful? They become joyful. Ridiculously joyful. As human beings we have to put a lid on it just to keep things from being knocked off the furniture or to keep them from spinning in circles till they get so giddy they fall and crack their little skulls. Unchecked they will just spin off into joy so deep it becomes exhausting and they collaspe into a heap. There has to be an atmosphere of complete safety to engross oneself completely in joy. Joy of the Lord is our strength, right?...