As I See It

This won't go without correction, and it not meant to be a theological thesis. It's just something The Spirit has shown me (and will continue to show me) to free me from the spirit of religion. God never meant to become a religion. Isaiah 1:11, Psalm 51:16, I Sam 15:22 are a few scriptures that show that God's desire is not for blood sacrifices. Remember, God's first covenant with a man and his family required the cutting of the foreskin of a man-not a sacrifice, not for blood but for sensitivity-as a picture of being open and sensitive to God's interaction. The law covenant was made when the Israelites came out of Egypt a great nation, a society that needed some kind of governance. God's first covenant with this nation was a blood covenant, probably because blood sacrifice was something that the people of that era were very familiar with, in a brutal, capricious, and cruel way, but something they recognized a momentous. The law covenant was a m...