To Know Him Is To Love Youself
I believe God reserves a special admiration for the
spiritually honest. He knows the real you and loves the real you-so should you. So don't give up being real about the state of your desires
and life experiences before Him no matter how "different" you feel
from other Christians who don't admit to the same struggles. Jesus promised
those who squarely face their inability to live the Christian life with His
very own Strength!
Most of us do not need a definition of spiritual failure. We
know it very well. If I were to rephrase Galatians 5:19-21, it would sound something like this: “The results of living according to human
nature are apparent by observing life.
You see them everywhere and many of them plague your own life and the
lives of those you love. Things like
sexual immorality, impure thoughts, eagerness for lustful pleasure, making
other things more important than God, dabbling in all kinds of demonic power of the occult,
hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition,
divisions, the feeling that everyone is wrong except those in your own little
group, envy, drunkenness, wild parties,
and many other kinds of sin.”
Most believers suffer the presence and
influence of these destructive issues in their lives every day. though most pretend not to (denial is more
than a river in Egypt ),
and just ignore that hostility, quarreling, jealousy, anger and
divisiveness share equal footing with all the other uglies on the list.
The most powerful obstacle we will face in our efforts to
live the Christian life are firmly entrenched in our thinking before we come to Christ. I do not
pretend to know all the mental and emotional obstacles that prevent believers
from walking in the power of the Holy Spirit and the newness of life that
Christ died to give us, but I do know many obstacles that have been revealed to
me by the Lord concerning myself and shared with me by others who trust me.
We are all born into families, and families pass down to
generations certain ways to understand and operate in life. I call these
our personal “As The World Turns” scripts. Sometimes beliefs are taught as fact
by authority figures and adults in our life. Usually, these scripts are
learned by seeing the behaviors and body language of people who make up our
world. These ways to view and live life are
communicated to us in a thousand different ways, but we all come away from our
formative years having been formed. We reach adulthood like an actor following
a script only we are unaware of ours.
Some begin their walk with the Lord having the deep seeded
belief that their lives are only safe in their own hands, convinced that no one
has the right, or can be trusted to tell them how to live. Believing they can
only trust themselves, they “follow their heart” or their gut or their desires.
They believe only they truly know what’s best for them. Some have the deep
seeded belief that they have no control over their lives at all. They’re convinced that there is no safety to
be found. They live tossed to and fro by those who have control over them,
believing they have very few choices and feeling that the circumstances of
their lives are someone else's fault. Both of those views are illusion;
illusions that seem totally reasonable and real to the person living in
Whether we are living our life attempting to meet someone's
expectations, or rebelling against someone's expectations, we are still not
living our own life. Growing up with
Christian, loving, responsible caregivers does not guarantee that we will be free from twisted thinking, and can also produce many inaccurate
understandings of God and His Truth.
Into this maelstrom of human existence comes the Holy Spirit
of the Living God convicting our hearts of their need for a Savior and pointing
our hearts toward Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. People from all kinds of backgrounds, from
all kinds of cultures believe in His atoning blood, bringing their dead spirits to
life and making them new creatures. We
are instantly members of another family.
We have a new Father, and we inherit a new way of Life we know little about.
Jesus told those whose hearts were breaking at the thought
of losing him, that it was good that He going away. There are many Names for The Holy Spirit, but
the most literal interpretation of what Jesus said to them is, “I will not
leave you orphans.” We are babes in Christ with a new Father.
What happens after the salvation of our souls and the rebirth of our spirits to
live eternally with God is a mystery to most of us and
fully understood by none. No matter what boundaries we have learned in our
thinking processes; regardless of the innumerable ways we have learned to
do life, none make it natural or easy to launch into life with the
Holy Spirit. He is unlike any human
teacher, parent or friend. He is actually right about everything and has open
and unlimited access to all things Divine.
The ways of life in the Spirit are totally opposite of any
we have ever known or experienced before. Many of us have not grown up among
trustworthy adults. Most of us have
reached adulthood living with fear instead of safety, perhaps control instead
of freedom, or punishment instead of correction. All of us have had the enemy
at work in our hearts and minds from the moment we have been born to encourage
us to misunderstand events of our childhoods, the actions and decisions of our
parents or caretakers, and to pervert our vision of God.
Saved people rarely jump right into being re-parented by God
after believing in Jesus. They sometimes
try harder to obey His commandments only to find it isn't any easier than
before they were saved. They sometimes
just blatantly go on living their own life with no longing to conform to His
likeness. Many believers long to be
Christ-like, but continue to live their lives reacting to old thought patterns
and beliefs, never understanding why they can’t make consistently Godly
choices. Most live a mixture of all of the mindsets above, becoming confused,
disappointed and frustrated with the Christian life, as they hear contradictory
messages on how to live a Godly life.
Too many ultimately find their expectations of God and
themselves hopelessly shattered. Many
come to doubt that they are really saved. Many give up. Other believers do not help much
with the re-education process when all we can do is quote Galatians 5:19-21 in a way that it condemns any saved person to hell if they haven’t conquered
these behaviors in their lives. We can enter the Christian twilight
zone of believing we need to run to the altar every Sunday, or that we
have the power to accomplish obedience if only we’d try harder.
Jesus says in Matthew 5:3 "Blessed
[are] the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” You are blessed, fortunate and to be envied! Jesus Himself,
through the inner witness of His Spirit will reveal the operations manual of The Kingdom of Heaven to those who acknowledge they are spiritually powerless
to live the life of Christ! Hallelujah!
What I am going to say below is the “Readers Digest
Condensed Version” of a process that is a lifetime journey that has many levels of
learning and submission involved in becoming established in a living and
enduring faith. However, many have never heard even the most basic summary of
learning to live in the Spirit as a failed human being. I can only invite you
to get hungry! A starving man will stop at nothing to get a morsel of food. A
spiritually starving believer should move heaven and earth to taste and see
that The Lord is Good! The all you can eat God buffet is open to anyone who
Those who desire to enter the Kingdom of God must begin as a little child. Even if you don't want to take it to church, find a version of The Bible that you can read and understand for yourself.
Read it! Read only the Gospels for one year! Ask and trust the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit to make Jesus Truth to you.
Learn all you can about the unconditional love of God
until you know He unconditionally loves you, and become convinced that Jesus would have gone to
the cross just for you. Become convinced of God’s
endless Grace and Mercy toward you. Believe that the God who created you,
knows best what will provide you with true happiness and a joyful life. Go
through every day asking Him to show you what His desire may be in the
situation or choice you are dealing with.
Accept that learning about Jesus through the
companionship of the Spirit is the only Key to abundant life and successful
relationships. Speak to Him in your heart continually; train yourself to hear what He
is saying to you; and act on His wisdom as often as you can. When you fail, and you will fail,
immediately ask for new revelation and insight. Regardless of
your failure, agree with His unconditional love for you and his endless Mercy and Grace toward you. Trust His insight into yourself and accept His loving correction. Then, trust
that He is faithful and just and will forgive you and cleanse you from all
the old scripts in your mind to begin anew as many times as you need.
Until you know Jesus through the power of The Spirit for yourself, you can become hopelessly confused by the teaching of others. Only The Holy Spirit has the Script of Life. Only by knowing Jesus can you love Him and come to love yourself and others. That same Spirit who moved in your heart, revealing Jesus as your Savior, can transform you by the renewing of your mind and lead you to others to know Him and love Him.
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