Oh Happy Day!
Calvary, as important as it is for believers, has become obsured by communion. However, because of a basic misunderstanding of one of Paul's teachings, communion has become about our sin rather than Calvary. I want to invite you to see Calvary as Jesus described it. "As the serpent was lifted up in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up," Jesus said. So let's move our eyes off of Golgotha for a minute and go back to the desert where God's people were being killed left, right and center by deadly snakes. God told Moses to get a pole, put one of the serpents on the top and raise it up over the people, commanding them to look upon the serpent on the pole. God's instruction was to "look and live!", and when they looked at the snake on the pole they were healed from the deadly poison. Can you imagine, you are writhing in the pain of certain death and suddenly you look up at a brass snake and you are instantly healed and whole? As they mo...