The Word Became Flesh

I have been in a discussion with some other Christians this morning about the Bible. Many have been confounded by The Word most of their life and won't voice their questions because of reactions they produce in church. Some just weary of asking questions because they get the same old canned responses and doctrinal understanding they have always gotten.

Inerrancy is a word that has been misused for thousands of years in relation to The Bible. To believe in inerrancy the way it has been most often taught would be to believe that Moses killed an Egyptian with God's blessing, that eating shellfish was an abomination to God and that Jesus taught maiming yourself is better than sinning. So, instead of going that route denominations and individuals have set themselves up to decide and teach what is inerrant and to, well, mostly ignore the rest.

I never bought the inerrancy doctrine. As a teen I recognized by The Spirit that disgusting method of control right off the bat because I had a rebellious spirit that led me to be suspicious of people in power. Thank you Jesus, God does not have a problem with a rebellious spirit!

There was a time in my seeking that I doubted Jesus was 'the only Son of God' or 'the only way', but Ive come to see those questions and many others as gifts from The Spirit of God to lead me into Truth far beyond what Bible teachers and preachers were touting at the time. I have been having the time of my life mining treasures of Truth from the scriptures with The Holy Spirit and it is thrilling to see Jesus, His Grace, and His gradual revelation and unveiling throughout the Word.

I read every scripture with the mindset 'what does this want to tell me about Jesus or myself', and I find The Bible infinitely wonderous and God absolutely brilliant! If what I'm reading provides no answer to my question I move on to something else that speaks to me.

I've begun to challenge the interpretations of The Bible and have begun to study the original languages and cultural context of what I'm reading. I look beyond Strong's definitions and the commentary at the bottom of the pages to grasp what God's heart is trying to communicate.

It has been and always will be that He is Great. He is Love. He is Grace. He is Mercy. He has always been for me and has provided ever increasing faith to receive revelation as man has been able to comprehend it. I love discovering Him anywhere; in anything; any way, but when I find The Grace of God in Jesus Christ revealed in Deuteronomy or Numbers I want to do cartwheels!

My spirit sings, "even then, even then, you were thinking only of me!!"


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