Let's Go Back To The Beginning

"Blessed are those who find wisdom for she is a Tree of Life"

God has no beginning and man was not made when Genesis records "In the beginning". Genesis says in the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth. He must have used those words, as He uses all language, to share a concept, a Truth that is Himself. In that timelessness perhaps God created a Kingdom called Heaven and a place called earth, and those words are the beginning of our story. 

In timelessness The Spirit hovered lovingly over the waters of the deep. There must have been much timelessness between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2; a gap that cannot be comprehended.The Word says the earth then was without form and void. Tohuw and Bohuw in the Hebrew. Tohuw means formless, confusion, emptiness, chaos, and vain-having no purpose.

Yet in Isaiah 45:18 the prophet says "[God] created NOT the earth  tohaw." That would mean that something destructive, confused and chaotic happened to earth between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. Something not God, because God is not destructive, confused or chaotic.

We also know from The Word that 'the sons of god' roamed the earth mating with human women prior to The Flood. Isn't it possible when Satan and a third of the angels were thrown from God's presence that they found a home on the earth? That their evil presence spoiled the earth making it tohuw and bohuw, and this evil was called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as God told the story?

Genesis 2:8-9 says, " The LORD God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden; and there He placed the man whom He had formed. Out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."

God caused to grow every tree good for food. The fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was not good for food. God told man there was death in the fruit of this tree,not to eat it. The Word does not say the Lord caused the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to grow, or that He placed it in the midst of the garden. It says the tree of knowledge was there somewhere. 

The Tree of Life, which God did place in the middle of the garden, is called Wisdom in Proverbs and It  still stands in The Paradise of God. While Genesis is the beginning of our story, there is no beginning to God, no time for God. All that is, is for God an eternal now.  This is difficult to comprehend, but we must know, that though our revelation of the story changes, The Story has never changed for God.

How do we who live in time understand that God is Goodness & Love? How do we understand Truths like Christ, crucified before the foundations of the earth when evil, the poisonous plant, is as much the source of our confusion about Father God as it was the devastation of earth. Every perception man has, everything he has a hand in, including the telling of the story, was tainted after he made evil fruit part of himself. Yet, Good News is eternal while evil is not, and I tell you, we are able to be taught all Truth by The Spirit of God and to us has been given the mysteries of God to understand! 

God did not set man up! The Word tells us there is no darkness in Him at all!  God did not create a tree so evil that partaking of it would spiritually cripple His beloved creation, bringing them suffering and death, causing them to feel punished and separated from Him, making them misunderstand His every communication with them.  All decay, all suffering, anything not good, comes from the same seed-evil believing and what it produces. God is the only source of Good and any Good man knows, does, discovers, enjoys or contemplates comes from Him and through His loving Divine, Eternal nature.  God isn't battling the devil or evil. Evil was defeated before creation. Evil can only lie, and the biggest and best lie of all is that our Father God is the source of anything not perfectly good.

You and I, we are the crown of God's creation! In Ephesisans 3:8-11 Paul The Apostle tells us, "Though I am the least deserving of all God's people, He graciously gave me the priviledge of telling the Gentiles about the endless treasures available to them in Christ. I was chosen to explain to everyone-this mysterious plan that God, The Creator of all things, had kept secret from the beginning. God's purpose in all this was to use the church to display His wisdom in its rich endless variety to all the unseen rulers and authorites in the heavenly places. This is the eternal plan, which He carried out through Christ Jesus our Lord." 

God created us from the very dirt evil had desecrated to commune and display His Goodness. His Holy Spirit eternally hovers over every man, re-birthing, re-creating, revealing His Eternal Love and Goodness through His incarnate Son, Jesus. Through Christ's death and resurrection He has made a way to once again become The Tree of Life rooted within our Spirits and redeem all things. The Spirit moves upon the deep chaos and confusion in our thinking, revealing Truth, and our time to display God's secret Wisdom in the darkness begins!

Oh how He cherishes man! Oh, the joy He feels when we come to know He is Good and bask in His Love, and oh, the chuckle He must get when His Eternal and Great wisdom bursts like Light through one of His children, proving the lies of evil and darkness will not prevail.


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