What's Jesus Got To Do With It?
I am an issues person. Always have been. I have always had a heart for Jesus and so have always wanted my stance on issues to line up with His Words. His Kingdom dynamics. With treating others as ones He loves, as well as disidentifying myself from all else.
So for peope who think I'm beating a dead horse with this Confederate battle flag issue, understand It's a big deal to me.It's a big deal to hundreds of thousands of others. When I was 14 I watched kids my age get clubbed and fire hosed for the right to sit at a drugstore counter and have a coke. So I'm not going to stop trying to keep Southerners I love from making idiots of themselves over something they may not understand completely.
We've grown up in a culture where this flag has become reminesent of little more than a decoration on a Dukes of Hazzard car. It's not.(and the show made us look like imbiciles anyway) We've grown up in a culture where we've been taught this is the flag of our heritage, it's not. It has stood literally over a war against our own government, the slaughter of our own people, Southern boys killing Northern boys! It has stood for our belief in the righteousness of owning and physically harming our fellow human beings as work beasts.. Most disgusting is this flag stands for our refusal, even in the 1960's, to allow black children to go to our schools, drink from our water fountains and use our bathrooms. If you can hang with that then at least know what has been done and said with this flag as a backdrop for things other than Southern Rock concerts.
You might want to remember this part of history: "Our new government is founded upon....; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical and moral truth..." The Cornerstone Speech by Confederate Vice-President Alexander Stephans, of Georgia.
As well as this one: "So, when did the flag explode into prominence? It was during the struggle for civil rights for black Americans, in the middle of the 20th century. The first burst may have been in 1948. South Carolina politician Strom Thurmond ran for president under the newly founded States Rights Democratic Party, also known as the Dixiecrats. The party's purpose was clear: "We stand for the segregation of the races," said Article 4 of its platform.
Why the Confederate flag still flies
At campaign stops, fans greeted Thurmond with American flags, state flags -- and Confederate battle flags. But desegregation progressed.
As it passed milestones like the Supreme Court ruling on Brown vs. Board of Education, which gave black American children access to all schools, the Confederate battle flag popped up more and more." partial quote from CNN web article.
Now, wear that belt buckle if you have to, and wallpaper your house with the damn thing if you must, but quit saying it has nothing to do with racism. You sound like an idiot.
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