What Is It Worth To You?
The Bible contains a parable told by Jesus about a pearl of great price. A traveling business man, was constantly looking for genuine pearls. He came across an exquisite pearl. It was just what he had been looking for! He could hardly believe it. Immediately, he sold everything he owned to buy the pearl.
Jesus says The Kingdom of Heaven is like a traveler, a business man, a barterer, a man who knew how to get by in The Kingdom in which he moved and did business, always searching for a more priceless and genuine pearl.
Bible students have supposed most regularly that Jesus is "The Pearl of Great Price" who moves us to sell all we have to acquire Him. In the modern interpretation, we are the pearl of great price, Jesus is looking for us, giving His life for us.
Jesus says, The Kingdom of Heaven is like, going on to use an example that is a scenerio not a thing. Being the I Am, Jesus' words are always present tense. The Kingdom of Heaven is, right now, as if a traveling man looking for a better inventory, came upon a priceless pearl, selling off all his belongings to have it.
The Kingdom of Heaven is a place of inner commerce of knowledge and spiritual revelation. For a spirit merchant our souls are constantly searching for greater Truth. The Kingdom of Heaven is our spiritual journey. We are looking for rare and priceless wisdom as we travel. we're thriving. We have a stash of acquired wisdom. The Kingdom's citizen knows when he comes across a pearl of wisdom so stunning it is worth dumping all we have believed to be true, for this one priceless nugget of wisdom.
As we walk our journey through The Kingdom encountering and discerning spiritual Wisdom, there are occasions we experience a confirmation from The Spirit of Life in our inner being we know is sure. The wisdom and truth barterers of Heaven's Kingdom don't waste time dumping all the things we thought we knew before to attain and contain this Wisdom we recognize as Priceless!
Travelers in the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be hoarders or pack-rats. We do not have to make all the lessons learned on our journey into a fitting jigsaw puzzle. We do not have to make excuses for getting The Pearl!!
We can wholeheartedly embrace the Greater Wisdom. The Pearl of Great Price contains all the wisdom that went before. We are free to unburden ourselves of incomplete understanding! We can sell all that stuff we knew before even though it is valuable, because it's just stuff, the provisions supplied on our way. There is no loss in The Kingdom. We just follow the One who says "follow me", and move on, storing up Wisdom treasure in Heaven's economy.
Spirit breathed Words.
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