Can We Talk About Abuse?

Many abused people are not fully aware that they are being abused or to what extent. The fight for emotional and spiritual survival in relationships steals identity from abused people, especially children, leaving them to feel fear, anxiety, insecurity and confusion. Abusing children or those powerless is the most demonic of all abuse because original purpose is denied them. Any time a person’s true purpose is diminished it is abusive. Foundationally, we must know The Creator’s purpose for His people to determine if abuse is present. To be abused is to be misused, to be used in a manner unintended by creation. Most adults parent children in non-abusive behavior according to their own discernment and values; don't hit your sister, don’t backtalk your mother; don't go in your brother's room, don't put your dirty feet on the sofa, don’t chew with your mouth open. A person’s understanding of abuse comes from environment and what they l...