Once Upon No Time

Before the foundation of the world:

God loved Jesus.

God chose Jesus to ransom you. 

Jesus was slain.

God chose you to be in Christ, to be holy and without fault in His eyes.

Names were written in Jesus' Book of Life. 

God prepared a Kingdom for the blessed.  

God did the work to prepare for you a rest.  

God has kept secrets.

All of these things occured before there was time, a universe, and us.  When we are searching to find God's Truth, these things are His eternal and unchanging Truths. When Jesus told the people that a wise man is one who comes to Him, hears Him and does what He tells them; He described that man as a man who builds his foundation for all else on a Rock that can't be shaken by time. Jesus was teaching about heavenly foundations, eternal foundations that cannot be moved. 

Before Abraham, I Am, Jesus said. Does something of eternity stir within you when you hear about I Am?  Can you feel Jesus slain for your ransom before time? Can you see your eternal self in Christ before time?  It's hard, I know. Here on earth we are caught in a trap. We are eternal beings trapped in time. We're in a form that must die but we were not made to experience death.  Jesus told parables that were divine mysteries spoken to people trapped by time. The Bible is a book of an eternal God's interaction with His creation who is trapped by time. Can you imagine what the disciples would have done if Jesus told them, "I'm acting out my crucifixion in earth time, but don't worry because I was really slain outside of time before anything was created so I will rise again"?

They struggled with the eternal just as we do. Humans still attempt to understand the eternal through the eyes of time, by the linear, trackable passing of thousands of years; through language and history and varied methods of communication. However, God's Truth is Eternal, and Jesus can only be known if He walks off the pages of The Bible, if He speaks to your heart, when you know Him outside of time.

Religion is about God in time, it's not about God in Truth. Jesus warned His disciples to beware of the teachings of the officially pious and just because they are limited by time. Within hours Jesus asked Simon Peter who he thought Him to be. Peter didn't answer from The Torah, or from what he had learned from the religious leaders. Peter answered from the eternal, "You're the anointed son of the Living God." Timeless Truth is the only Rock upon which Jesus choses to build His church. The Rock of Truth that is unchangingly Eternal.  

How do we comprehend the Eternal? The law was given to Moses by an eternal God, but was not Eternal Truth. Jesus' words were Spirit and Life, and yet He tried to explain to His disciples that the better thing was for Him to leave this world where His words were trapped by time.

 They were grief stricken at the thought of being without Him. They couldn't comprehend that the Eternal was better than having Jesus with them in the flesh. He said to them, " I still have many things to tell you, but you can't handle them now. But when your Eternal companion comes, the Spirit of Truth, he will take you by the hand and guide you into all Truth there is. He won't draw attention to himself but will make sense out of what is about to happen and indeed, out of all I have done and said. He will honor me and take what is mine and give it to you." 

This is the most important thing Jesus Christ ever said on this earth. We, who are trapped in time, can be taught all Eternal Truth by The Spirit of God! We will receive Eternal revelation that establishes us on The Rock who is unmoved by this world. The Spirit will show us what is forever and He will identify for us what is not.

Those who seek The Lord, understand this; The Word of God is Eternal, The Bible is not. The Spirit of God is Eternal, the manifestations of The Spirit on this earth are not. Redemption is Eternal, man's understanding of it is not. Jesus is Eternal, His earthly ministry was not.

These are the Truths that are Eternal. You can understand them by The Spirit. You can live in their Truth all your days.

God loves you

God has ransomed you from time and all it holds 

Jesus experienced death in time so you could experience eternal life in time

God chose you and sees you without fault

You have eternal destiny

God prepared a spiritual Kingdom for you that exists now.  

God did everything that needs to be done so you can rest.  

God reveals His eternal secrets to you.


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