Sword Drill

Nothing produces a lengthy thread of comments on social media like religion or politics. I enjoy reading and taking part in these virtual discussions. I learn a lot but I am also saddened a lot. There's is nothing like a wide open debate  of crucial issues to ceate a sense of hopelessness. With all the opinions out there and the relentlessness of those who hold them, it's difficult to hope for common ground.

Political common ground is possibly too much to hope for, but God did give believers spiritual common ground.  It makes me chuckle sometimes to read threads on Grace and other religious topics that contain so many ideas of man! I don't care how educated or illuminated a person is, Grace is a Who. Truth is a Who. Any fruit is determined by The Root. If you are studying The Word of God, Jesus must be the starting point or you're just gathering ideas.

Scientists use the word singularity-the point of origin of all that is.   God calls it Jesus. Jesus Christ was slain before the foundation of this world! He is the singularity of our existence and must be the singularity of any theology we trust. God did not give us The Bible as a crossword puzzle to occupy our time waiting for Heaven. Our goal in studying scripture isn't to figure out one word and then the next until we fill in all the blanks and breathe a sigh of relief. He gave us His Spirit as our heart's house guest to lead us into all Truth!

The Spirit of God really doesn't give a flip about the intelligence of man, so if you're reading The Word of God and Jesus doesn't form Himself in thought , word and deed you're wasting your time. Only Jesus being formed in you allows The Word to become revelation. Only Truth knows Truth.


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